404 Mount keen & broad cairn

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31st july, pete
Had a wedding to attend today so missed the hill racing! Decided to head up mount keen instead. Parked at the stables and ran up the Glen, got to the top in 1:31 (getting slower by the year- an hour and a half used to be easy:-() sat for a while and had breakfast (i was getting hungry by now so rummaged around the bag for sticky wet wine gums) before heading across to braid cairn. I did think about going on to hill of cat but thought better of it (got a blast from mrs h for being 3min late for the wedding as it was!!!). Followed the faint path down over the gathering cairn then back to the car in 3hrs dead via clachan yell. Will probably do this route again as it's very different to the stright up and down route and not that much longer- 15 to 20 min perhaps.