1080 Craig Leek

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24/7/10 Dave + Kathy (+friends)
Walked up here with some friends. Followed the path round the south side of the hill from Keiloch to the fog house (which is a very pretty little hut at NO178926), then north along the main track, uphill between Meall Gorm and Craig Leek, then south to the top. This is a great route for botanists. There is an outcrop of limestone up here, so the vegetation on the northern slope is totally different to the south side. There are lots of flowers at this time of year. Also saw an eagle.

12/11/10 Sarah
Took a similar route to D+K doing some minute reps heading up the track. Blustery weather so didn't linger for long on top. Descended off the S end keeping to the W of the crags, before continuing to Meall Alvie.