1182 Baddoch

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12/6/10 Dave, Gary and Peter. Came north from Geal Charn to Dorback Lodge, first on a very nice descent, but then it was back to tussocks and heather. Got onto a track which lead almost all the way to the summit, then turned back to Bridge of Brown. Pete took the easy option of running down the road, while Gary and I tried to find the path down by the burn. This is not very distinct, and it took us about 10 mins longer. Very tired by the time we got back. The whole run is only about 25km with 1200m climbing, but it took 4 hours thanks to the mostly awful going. Drove back to Corgarff to get Peter's car, where the games were going on. Made the mistake of asking if there was a hill race, to be told it was about to start. I tried to find an excuse not to do it (other than the obvious one of just having run for 4 hours), but Gary entered us anyway. Fortunately it only takes about 15mins, so we survived, and finished 3, 4 and 5 (Pete, Gary and me). Owen and Nick were also there. Owen was second. Pete won £10. It has to be said there were only about 15 runners. It was horrible.